Build long-term wealth in a short term world

Helping you build real wealth, one brick at a time

Whether you are a beginner investor or someone who has been investing for a while, The Decade Investor club has the tools you need to keep going. Whether it is continuous support, new found tools or the chance to win real money to keep investing, we are here to help!

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Learn about the weekly giveaways!

When I created The Decade Investor Club I wanted to help keep you motivated to long term invest. There are A LOT of trading groups out there, but in reality 85% of traders LOSE money in the stock market. So I want to incentivize you to build wealth the right way, via long term investing.

Every week inside The Decade Investor Club, you are automatically entered to win upwards of $1,000 to help you put towards your portfolio. I match your investment that week. (note: Free pass members are not included in giveaways. More details once inside the club)

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Check out all The Decade Investor Club has to offer!


Weekly live streams

Every week the Decade Investor goes live to answer your questions, talk stock market analysis & hangout!

Surround yourself with winners

Everyone in the club is a long term investor. You are the sum of your 5 closest (internet) friends. Surround yourself with people who want to win like you!

Daily chats

Every day the Decade Investor is in the club answering your questions + being around others in the club!


Continuously updated resources to help you win with your money!


Win weekly cash prices that match your investment for that week! You have the chance to boost your portfolio growth being a part of The Decade Investor Club!


A Comprehensive 2+ Hour Video Guide

2+ hours of video content to help you build the mindset of a Decade Investor

Secure Long-Term Investment Success

Learn The Decade Investor System to win with your long term investments.

Daily chat to help you stay motivated

Learn what the Decade Investor buys every week.

Permanent 50% : Join The Decade Investor Club!

Get a 50% discount forever for The Decade Investor Club Membership. [I want the course!]

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More info on the Course

You will recieve my entire 2+ hours video course onhow to build long term wealth the right way


How to open an investment account


How to research ETFs to invest into


How to build a strong foundation to your portfolio


Revealing my entire portfolio


The investor stradegy which helped me get $335,000 invested at 25 years old


A 50% discount on the monthly membership to the decade investor club where i give away $1,000 every week to help you long-term invest & much more

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